Gym Rules & Etiquette
Here are a few simple reminders we adhere to at Fit Within that best reflect our gym’s culture and allows us to foster a fun, safe, clean, and respectful training environment for everyone in our community.
Community First
Introduce Yourself & Welcome New Members.
There is no better feeling than entering in a new gym and having existing members introduce themselves. You were once the new kid on the block. Please introduce yourself to any new member and help them get acquainted with our community. Who knows they may just become your new road dog! Fit Within is more than just a gym. We are a community.
No One Left Behind
If you complete your workout before someone else, find someone who hasn’t finished and give that person a little extra help and cheer him or her on. It will make their day better and yours as well! We are a community, and we support one another. We guarantee there will be a grueling workout in your future where you will be the last one standing and you may just welcome that extra push or cheer to get you through it.
Respect Your Trainer.
Please pay attention when the trainer is explaining the workout and movements. We ask that you refrain from discussing things with others when the trainer is talking. While you may have heard the instruction for a deadlift a hundred times, it may be the first time for the person standing next to you. Besides, you may just learn something new.
Kids And Weights Don’t Mix.
We love all of our Fit Within kids, but we want them to be safe. We encourage you to bring your kids with you, but all children need to be able to sit unattended at the front of the gym. If they require supervision, please have a responsible adult in attendance to supervise them. If your child is screaming please attend to them. Children are not allowed on the equipment at any time, and must be off the gym floor during classes.